Tuesday, May 31, 2016

GoNoodle Brain Breaks

When I was in the classroom, I was always looking for brain breaks for my students.  It is so important for kids to be able to have a few minutes where they don't have to be thinking, and don't have to be quiet or sit down.  The GoNoodle Blog does a great job of explaining the science behind how the brain works and how having an active classroom increases learning and ultimately benefits our students. 

Being a first grade teacher, it was difficult to find videos that were appropriate for my students, engaging, and that got my students moving!  GoNoodle has changed this.  GoNoodle is an online database of interactive activities for kids.  They have activities that get kids moving, dancing, thinking, acting silly, playing, relaxing, etc...  Here are a few pictures and a video of kids GoNoodling:


When you sign up for a GoNoodle account, you sign up according to your school.  The free account gets you a large majority of the videos available.  GoNoodle works really hard to get areas sponsored so that districts aren't having to purchase the paid version (GoNoodle Plus).  My area (San Antonio) is sponsored by Children's Health.  Not only do schools have access, but parents have access at home.  You will be notified if your area is sponsored or not when you register.  Once you register, your class will choose a Champ.  For every activity your class completes, your Champ will grow.  Kids love watching the Champ get bigger and it allows the teacher to set goals for the students.

If you aren't already using this tool, you should be!  If you are, please share in the comments below how you are using it.  If you have any questions or want more information on GoNoodle, tweet me @techtimewithj9 and GoNoodle @gonoodle.

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