Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Individualized Technology Plans

This idea was taken from Amy Mayer.

At the end of the 2015 school year and over the summer staff members at FSHISD were introduced to Individualized Technology Plans (ITPs).  Everyone is at a different level when it comes to technology which can make training in large groups very difficult. Individuals also learn at different paces and like to learn in many different ways.  The idea behind ITPs is that everyone sets technology goals for the following year that will benefit them specifically.  They can attend PD that relates directly to their goals and they can learn whenever and however they would like.

To start off, staff members have to fill out a preconference survey.  Using autocrat, the information given in the form is added to a Google doc and automatically shared with the staff member.  After filling out the form a meeting is set up with me or Dr. Rios (based on campus).  At the one on one meeting, goals are discussed and fine tuned.  A plan is put in place to help the staff member achieve these goals.  

Starting in the fall of 2016, staff members will be working towards the individual technology goals that they set for themselves.  Dr. Rios and I will be checking in throughout the year to see how things are going.  We also created a document that organizes the goals into common topics to help us plan PD opportunities as well as inform staff members when an opportunity is coming up that pertains to their goal.

I think that this is going to be a great way to meet individual needs and make sure that everyone has a technology improvement plan for themselves!

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